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Genero Code of Conduct

CEO’s opening remarks

We want to foster a safe and fair working culture where we treat each other right, follow laws and regulations and take care of our environment. 

Our Code of Conduct establishes the guiding ethical principles for all our employees, supervisors, management team as well as freelancers working with us. The Genero Board of Directors has approved these ethical principles and we expect everyone, as equal members of our company, to follow these standards.

Our Code of Conduct also outlines how we want to do business with our clients and stakeholders. We build business and personal relationships based on honesty and integrity, as well as compliance with laws and good business practices. We require that our network of clients, business partners, contractors, and suppliers do that as well.

The Code of Conduct is a guideline to help all of us create a work environment that is ethical, sustainable and good for all of us and our stakeholders. 

Our Code of Conduct is based on our values and UN responsible business principles

We base our conduct on our values Always care more, Courage to challenge, and Freedom under responsibility. These values guide our everyday work, and how we interact with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders.

In addition to our values we follow the responsible business principles of the UN Global Compact. These principles provide the foundation for our sustainability priorities Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-corruption

Our Code of Conduct means commitment to the following priorities:

  1. Laws and regulations

It is our responsibility to comply with laws, directives, and standards in all the countries we operate in. We take legislative requirements into account, whether it concerns our clients, employees, or other stakeholders and require the same from our partners.

  1. Human rights, equality and inclusion 

At Genero we respect the labor law and our employees freedom of union association, and expect our partners to do the same. 

Our employees have the opportunity to be themselves and we embrace diversity. We take non-discrimination seriously and value everyone irrespective of their different and unique characteristics. We guarantee a safe working environment free from all forms of discrimination and act on any raised topics right away. 

We promote the use of English as a common language to ensure a feeling of inclusion and ease of communication for everyone. We make sure everybody, both juniors and seniors, have opportunities to learn and grow in their roles. 

  1. Healthy and safe work environment 

We promote an environment of work-life balance as well as physical and mental safety. We have a zero-tolerance policy against all types of inappropriate treatment or forms of harassment, and we demand the same from our network of freelancers, clients, and partners.

We maintain a flat organization with low hierarchy and a culture of honest conversation. We encourage everyone to bring up ideas and questions, regardless of position or seniority. We genuinely listen to the concerns of our employees and regularly conduct surveys in order to further develop ourselves.

  1. Fair and equal leadership 

We expect our leaders to follow the responsibilities and processes defined for supervisor roles. Leadership competencies set the foundation for daily decision-making and leading a team regardless of its size, function, or location.

Our leadership roles are distributed regardless of gender and are based on competence and suitability to the role. Supervisors receive support and training and are encouraged to develop themselves.

  1. Our culture is based on ambition, growth mindset and learning

We strive to build a culture characterized by ambition, freedom and trust, growth mindset and continuous learning. The learning and development goals are set in career development discussions together to support growth. We believe in cooperation and sharing of best practices and learning.

  1. Environment and sustainability

We try to minimize our impact on the environment. Our hybrid work model supports the elimination of unnecessary commuting and allows employees to individually assess and limit business-related travel. We recycle and take environmental aspects into consideration when making decisions. 

  1. Anti-corruption and fair competition 

We always compete ethically, fairly and in a trustworthy way. We comply with legislation, including competition laws, to the highest degree wherever we operate. This means ensuring that our business stays free from corruption, extortion, and bribery. We demand the same from all of our clients, partners, and subcontractors.

In practice this means that we do not offer, give, approve, or accept any kind of financial benefit in return for a favor. All gifts given and received must be considered reasonable, appropriate and in accordance with the instructions of the relevant tax authorities.

  1. Loyalty

All employees, regardless of the nature of the employment, have a duty to act with loyalty toward Genero. We avoid situations where our personal interests may be in conflict with the interests of the company.

Our employees are expected to comply with the Employment Contract Act and should not do work for another party without a separate email agreement with Genero nor engage in competing activity contrary to fair employment practices.

  1. Data protection and confidentiality 

We consider data protection and data privacy in all our operations and follow the legislative requirements concerning personal data processes (GDPR). We collect, store and use personal data mainly relating to our customer contacts (including potential customers), employees and job candidates. We only collect and use personal data that is strictly necessary for our stated purpose or purposes, update personal data regularly and delete or minimize personal data that we do not need.

We treat our business partners’ information, data, technological solutions, and trade secrets with high confidentiality. During recruitment, our job applicants’ personal data is handled as if they were our employees: in a secure manner and in full compliance with our data protection standards.

  1.  Commitment to the Code of Conduct and informing of breaches

At Genero we take any misconduct or suspicion of misconduct seriously. We encourage any Genero employee to contact your supervisor or People&Culture team at hr@genero.fi if you suspect violations against the Genero Code of Conduct, applicable laws or regulations. Not following the Code of Conduct might lead to disciplinary action. 

Genero also has a tool for whistleblowing for reporting topics deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent as regulated by the whistleblowing directive. We take every concern seriously, investigate it as soon as possible, and let the notifying person know of the end results according to laws and regulations. We disapprove of any revenge or retaliation towards a person who has created a whistleblowing report in good faith. 

It is our shared responsibility to respect, learn and act according to these ethical principles guiding our work, regardless of role, seniority or responsibilities.