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Growth Marketing Breakfast 13/10

Welcome to Genero Growth Marketing Breakfast – A growth marketing event for those who aim high. Be fast to sign up, we have only 25 spots available!

Hacking growth and growth hacking

by Jonathan Björkskog, Digital Director and Co-Founder of Genero

What does a growth agency do, and how do they differ from other marketing agencies? Jonathan Björkskog, co-founder of Genero, explains how marketing can be used as a tool for growth and how businesses are changing their marketing strategy to become more growth oriented. Björkskog also explains the concept of how marketing budgets are transforming from yearly budgeting to scalable investments. Björkskog illustrates how this way of thinking can be implemented in B2B, B2C and e-commerce businesses.


08:30 – 09:00 


09.00 – 09:10 

Welcome! By Linda Kass, Business Unit Director Genero Pohjanmaa & Jukka-Pekka Niemi, Growth Manager

09:10 – 09:45

Hacking your growth! By Jonathan Björkskog, Digital Director & Co-Founder Genero

09:45 – 10:00

Questions and discussion



Wednesday, October 13 at 8:30 – 10:00


Restaurant Hejm, Conference room on the second floor, Sininen tie 1 B, Vaasa.


The event is free of charge.

For whom?

The event is especially for you who are in a leadership/strategic role or in charge of marketing in a business seeking for new opportunities for growth!

Need more information? 

Linda Kass, Business Unit Director, 044 780 58 14,

Sign up

Be fast to sign up, we have only 25 spots available!

"*" obligatoriska fält


Genero – The Growth Marketing Co.

Growth marketing for those who aim high!

Genero – Growth Marketing Co. is a growth marketing agency with 12 years of experience in the industry. We have over 100 professionals in growth strategy, brand strategy, digital strategy, concept development, content creation, web development and growth hacking in our team. Our offices are located in Helsinki, Stockholm, Pietarsaari and Vaasa. In 2019 our Pietarsaari office was named the most attractive employer in the region and we have been awarded the Great Place to Work® certificate two years in a row. We build long-term growth for our clients and our customers consist of challenger brands and industry pioneers like Forenom, Snellman, Beamex, Mutti and Halti. Genero is a part of A-lehdet Group.