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Genero Crew

How to grow as a growth marketer? Heiman Safeen started at Genero in 2019 as a Growth Hacker Trainee. Just a few years later he was managing large accounts as a Senior Growth Hacker. Here's how he did it.
Kun journalistista tulikin copywriter Kun tipahdin toimittajamaailmasta copywriteriksi kasvumarkkinointitoimistoon, en tiennyt mitään hakukoneoptimoinnista. Siitäpä vasta uusi maailma avautuikin, ja Google toimi matkaoppaana. Täällä kukaan ei enää kysynyt, mistä ja miten minä haluaisin kirjoittaa, vaan sain ohjeita hakukoneoptimoitujen artikkeleiden kirjoittaiseen tyypeiltä, joita kutsutaan growth hackereiksi.
Freelancers at Genero: Tayla Fagan Supports Genero’s Stockholm Team from the Southern Hemisphere Tayla joined Genero as a Freelancer in April 2022. The South African addition to our Stockholm team lights up each meeting with her endless drive and positive personality. She’s a priceless addition to the crew, helping Genero’s clients grow as a talented Storyteller and Growth Hacker.
Josua Fagerholm – Helping Build the Best DTC Marketing Team in Europe Josua’s career started as a trainee at Genero in 2013. The following years he spent learning around the world and building his own marketing agency, Rho+One. Now, almost a decade later, he’s back where it all began at Genero, this time helping build the best direct-to-consumer marketing team in Europe!
From juniors to seniors real quick Project Manager Sonja Peltonen and Senior Growth Hacker Oskar Ahlgren both started at Genero when they were still students. In just a few years they have grown from eager juniors to trusted seniors. Ambition and willingness to learn have helped them write their own growth stories.
Creativity thrives in a cross-functional team Genero offers opportunities to work on projects where talented people from all areas of business join forces. In this team story, our people tell how it is to work in a cross-functional team where everyone looks at the world from a slightly different perspective.
Behind every success story is a great team Our Ruokaboksi team has generated great results together with the client. Here our Senior Growth Hacker Elina Tuominen, Junior Growth Hacker Miko Montonen and Team Leader Niklas Andersson reveal how the best success stories are created together as a team.