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Behind every success story is a great team

Our Ruokaboksi team has generated great results together with the client. Here our Senior Growth Hacker Elina Tuominen, Junior Growth Hacker Miko Montonen and Team Leader Niklas Andersson reveal how the best success stories are created together as a team.

The Ruokaboksi team consists of ambitious doers with diverse skills. Miko takes care of Facebook advertising together with Lead Growth Hacker Heiman and Elina is in charge of Google advertising and programmatic buying, which is a brand new area for Ruokaboksi. Along with Elina and Miko, there are helping hands in the form of Strategists, Copywriters, Trainees and Designers in the team. Niklas brings the talented bunch together as the Team Leader.

But what are the secrets behind a great team then? 

  1. Support and open communication

Support has been one of the most important factors influencing the success of the team. The team players support each other, but they also get support from Ruokaboksi, which has played a key role in generating results. 

“After all, success is the result of teamwork. It takes two to tango”, Miko says.

Elina agrees that close coordination between the client and the team has been one of the most important drivers of success. 

“We are truly on the same side of the table and have the same goals, which of course helps us to reach them”, Elina says. 

The team lifts open communication as one of the key factors that make the teamwork flourish. The team talks a lot with each other, and with the client. Everyone knows what’s going on, what the goals are and where the business is headed. Open communication builds trust, which makes everything possible. Ruokaboksi trusts Genero to have the skills, tools and knowledge to make magic happen. 

“Ruokaboksi is a brave and growth focused company. They trust us with a great deal of freedom to experiment, as long as the results are climbing on the planned path. Together we make a great team”, says Niklas.

“The Ruokaboksi team doesn’t question every detail along the way, but trust us to get the job done”, Elina explains. 

A supportive team leader has helped the team keep their eyes on the ambitious goals. 

“Niklas keeps it all together fantastically, which makes our job easier. When everything else is under control, we can just focus on what we do best; create growth”, Miko says. 

When everything else is under control, we can just focus on what we do best; create growth.”

Miko Montonen, Junior Growth Hacker
  1. Endless learning 

Endless learning is another thing which describes the team well. You can always count on your colleagues to teach you new tricks. 

“I have learned a lot from our Senior Growth Hacker Heiman. He has great ideas that I’ve been able to take and extend to other projects too”, Miko says. 

A steep learning curve is guaranteed when working with a client who dreams big. The Genero team is constantly learning something new to find better paths for growth. At the same time the client learns from the team. As the team has tested Ruokaboksi themselves, they are also able to give feedback about the product, service and the ordering process to Ruokaboksi. It’s a full circle of learning. 

“As we work so closely together with the client, we can generate better ideas and think of new ways how we can help the client and how the client can help us”, Miko says. 

  1. Courage and ambition

As courage and ambition are at the heart of Genero, it’s no wonder that the team thrives when they’re given the freedom to experiment. Trying new things can sometimes be difficult, but Ruokaboksi is a brave client and shooting for the stars is more of a rule rather than an exception. Trial and error are indeed what bring the best insights and learnings. 

“When you are given the freedom to experiment, you learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t”, the team explains.

When you are given the freedom to experiment, you learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t.

Ambition is another common denominator of the story. Ruokaboksi dreams big. They want to take over the whole Finnish market and Genero is there to make that happen.

“Ruokaboksi has very ambitious goals, but they are always achievable. That’s exactly what makes working with them so rewarding”, Elina concludes.

Image: Antti Raatikainen

Curious for more? Take a look at the Ruokaboksi case here.